Refund & Return & Breakage Policy

Requests for returns must be submitted within 14 days of delivery. We do not allow the return of your excess or leftover inventory.

If a product is defective, or if we mistakenly sent you the wrong product, we will provide a replacement. We may choose to include a replacement item/s in your next shipment (if applicable). Beau Hygge requires a photo of the product received and the airway bill attached when raising a Return/Refund.

Please make your selection wisely as we cannot exchange or swap items from the initial order.

If you had chosen the incorrect item, made an error, or are dissatisfied with your purchase, we might consider offering a store voucher equal to the purchase price, minus a 20% restocking fee and shipping charges, depending on the situation. The item must be returned in its original status (Items remain unused with packaging not torn) the return shipping costs will be the buyer's responsibility. You will receive the coupon code/ store credit (Notify via email) 5-7 working days after we receive the return of your items. Returns are not permitted due to a change of mind after 14 days from the date of delivery.

If there are any damages,  A digital image showing the damages must be emailed to Beau Hygge within 7 days of receiving the products.


Requests to cancel orders must be submitted in writing and emailed to with all transaction details. If the shipment has already been dispatched, you will have to pay to return the items. Approval of cancellation will be review case by case.

Questions about the Refund & Return & Breakage Policy should be sent to us at