Privacy Policy

Beau Hygge offers the website with no warranties and limited liability. Beau Hygge is not responsible for any indirect losses related to the website. We cannot verify if the information provided on this website is entirely accurate or comprehensive.

From time to time, this website may have links to other websites. We are not accountable for the accessibility or substance of those websites.

Beau Hygge does not provide any guarantees about the functioning of this site or the information, content, materials, or products. By using this site, you agree that any risks are your responsibility within the limits allowed by law.

Beau Hygge denies all warranties, whether stated or implied, such as merchantability and suitability for specific use.

Beau Hygge does not guarantee that this site, its servers, or emails are virus-free. Beau Hygge is not responsible for any damages resulting from using this site, including direct or indirect harm. These terms and conditions represent the complete agreement and understanding of the parties, replacing any prior agreements between them.

Beau Hygge does not take any responsibility and will not be held accountable for any harm, financial loss, or business setback resulting from the use of this website or its products, including, but not limited to, various types of damages.

Questions about the Privacy policies should be sent to us at